
Tara Lenney
May 6, 20214 min read
The One Room Challenge Week 1: The Master Bath Design Plan
Ohhhh, friends. I’ve been wanting to participate in the One Room Challenge for YEARS but could never get the timing quite right, but this...

Tara Lenney
Apr 22, 20211 min read
featured on houzz - one of the top 10 bathrooms so far in 2021!
We have some exciting news to share…
One of our design projects was featured on Houzz’s Top 10 Bathrooms in 2021!! We are thoroughly shocke

Rachel Yeselson
Apr 22, 20214 min read
caned favorites roundup
You may have noticed a recent resurgence of caned furniture all over your Instagram and Pinterest feeds, and we are here for it!

Tara Lenney
Apr 15, 20219 min read
our house was on house hunters - behind the scenes of how the show really works
Oh, friends. We kept a big secret for 6 months! The home that we sold last year was featured on a recent episode of House Hunters. The...

Tara Lenney
Apr 1, 20214 min read
our new house bath design
Construction is going on slowly but surely at the TLD Highland House. We’re encountering many of the same issues our clients are that are...

Tara Lenney
Mar 16, 20212 min read
spring essential oil diffuser blends
OH FRIENDS. Spring is nearly here. This time of year is all about all scents FRESH – lemon, lemongrass, orange, peppermint, ylang ylang...

Tara Lenney
Mar 3, 20212 min read
big news - we're launching a shop!
We're launching an online shop! Humble Abode will have humble beginnings, starting with a curated collection of original art, each piece...

Tara Lenney
Feb 5, 20215 min read
our new house kitchen design
This is the post I’ve been DYING to write since last summer. It’s the design plan for the kitchen in our new house!

Tara Lenney
Jan 29, 20213 min read
january favorites
Quick Disclosure: Some of these links happen to be affiliate links which means when you click the link to purchase something on this...

Tara Lenney
Jan 22, 202112 min read
5 productivity strategies that will give you extra hours in your week
what if i told you that you don't have to work harder or longer hours to get more results in your life? These 5 strategies are game changers